Some Phonetic Features of Elbasanisht


  • Manola Myrta “Aleksander Moisiu” University, Durres


A number of linguistic features characterize each language, or a group of dialects. Elbasanisht, which belongs to the group of dialects of Middle Albania and is included in the southern Gheg, represents itself in a set of common features of its group, but with some other specific features. How are represented these linguistic features of Elbasanisht nowadays? Has the educational and cultural development of the city influenced the linguistic development and change? This paper aims to address some of the general occurrences of Elbasanisht , focused only on the phonetic aspect. Based on the study of a variety of different documents written in this language and also on a wide range of interviews conducted with individuals of different generations, this paper will address how is represented this language from a phonetic aspect nowadays, compared to previous decades. It will also treat the occurrence that includes vowel and consonant system. This paper will help all researchers, who are interested in phonetic changes that a language undergoes in the course of time, under the influence of overall social development.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2012.v2n4p189


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How to Cite

Some Phonetic Features of Elbasanisht. (2013). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(4), 189.