“Leadership in the Cross-Cultural Context” Analyze of Rational Theories and Aspects of Leader Role in Long Term Characterized. The Observation of Behavior Effects in Albania
This paper research overview of the leader behavior literature highlighted the fact that there are inconsistent relationships between the behaviors that leaders engage in and the effects of these behaviors on member attitudes, behavior, and group effectiveness. While these inconsistent observations can be frustrating they underscore two very important facts. The behaviors are important as witnessed by their occasionally significant relationship with follower attitudes and behavior. Second, the observation that these behaviors do not always produce significant and positive effects suggests that something else is transpiring such that in one situation the particular leader behavior produces significant effects and in another situation that behavior is relatively unimportant. The question that these observations raise is. What effects do situational differences produce in the leader-follower relationship? Many decades ago Ralph S (1948) stated that “the qualities characteristics, and skills required in a leader are determined to a large extent by the demands of the situation in which he [she] is to function as a leader” chapter 8 provides an understanding of situational differences in the leadership process. If team members know for example, exactly what needs to be done, when, who and why, it is unlikely that initiating structure will prove to be needed or be effective if use. In contrast, when team members are operating under conditions of high levels of uncertainty-not knowing what, when or how to execute the task-a leader who is capable of initiating some structure will make a meaningful contribution. In this paper we are focus in leader role and in the influences of rationality behavior. The simple theme of this paper is might well be “different strokes for different folks” and/or “different strokes for the same folks at different points in time”. Put more directly, as conditions change, so do the leadership needs that are created and the leader behaviors that will prove effective. We are trying to analyze the effects of using different hypotheses in some definitions of leadership theories, the implementation of effects of leader behavior in organizations.Downloads
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“Leadership in the Cross-Cultural Context” Analyze of Rational Theories and Aspects of Leader Role in Long Term Characterized. The Observation of Behavior Effects in Albania. (2013). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(1), 59. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/ajis/article/view/62