Investments in Small and Medium Businesses, their Role in the Economy Development of Kosovo


  • Hamdi Hoti
  • Rifat Hoxha
  • Remzi Ahmeti


Small and medium businesses are playing a very important role in the economy of the country as their development is related directly to economic development. Small and medium businesses (SME) make up about 98% of all enterprises which have the potential to play an important role in economic growth. This is also common agreement about the important role that SME plays in the number of employees. The main goal of this paper is the diagnosis of the current state of Small and Medium Businesses and to identify the problems, obstacles, and barriers that suffocate the development of their activities, identifying both the needs and demands of the community to improve the situation advancing development processes and the development of positive trends in strategic terms. Research data for this paper will provide the Statistical Office of Kosovo, where they will be informed about the number of these businesses and the flow of the interview that will make a number of SME managers to watch out closely to all the problems that may experience these businesses. This paper will try to give theoretical and practical value and be much more convenient for all managers of SME-s, which are hoping to assist in the ongoing development of their businesses.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2015.v4n2p461


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How to Cite

Investments in Small and Medium Businesses, their Role in the Economy Development of Kosovo. (2015). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(2), 461.