Presentation in Dirihe- Neumann Plans and Compiling of Progam with Programmming Language C+


  • Naim Baftiu
  • Veli Lecaj
  • Eflorim Hajra


The problem with supply of industrial water nowadays is becoming very serious for the reason that the industry requires more quantity of clear water. Since natural water from the rivers and other sources doesn’t fulfil the necessities, it is before using it in industry in many cases is prepared and processed by means of filtration. One of the most useful way of water filtration is programming in programming language C+. This program has the objective of calculation of water filtration in special cases in order to achieve the creation of shorter time and more accurate way. The goal of this work is calculation of water filtration and studying of a water zone in village Sibovc, Kosovo of 1 km area with the method of Fundamental Elements and statistic processing with DIRHILE-NEUMANN Method which is inserted in Programming language C+. This programming language has found wide applications not only in the field of water but also those with thermo hydro-dynamic character, calculation of water filtration, prescription of physical-chemical particularities etc. With this advanced program C+ is used a given model with number of nodes 10 and number of elements 10, whereas limited conditions with DIRIHLE-NEUMANN Method in e definite level are in the contour 3-7 charge will be 7=100 m, whereas in contour 8 the charge will be ? 8 =200m, and in contour 10 the charge will be 10 =300m, flux of the source is : q1=q5=q9=2, q2=2.5 m3/day, coefficient of filtration k = 100 m/day.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2015.v4n2p539


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Presentation in Dirihe- Neumann Plans and Compiling of Progam with Programmming Language C+. (2015). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(2), 539.