Assessing the Pedagogical Competences of Teacher Educators in the Teacher Education Institution of Pakistan
The study is designed to investigate the prevailing situation of teachers’ pedagogical competencies according to four indicators (subject knowledge, teaching strategy, resource material and assessment criteria) at higher education level. The main objectives of this study were to: assess the teachers’ performance using identified indicators, and compare the quality control system among different institutions and departments of the same institution. The sample of this study was 700 students in the 11 institutions and 636 students responded to this questionnaire hence the response rate was about 90%. A questionnaire was developed to collect data from the sample, and the validation of questionnaire was also ensured. The overall reliability of this questionnaire was established at 0.87 (Chronbach’s Alpha) which shows that the research instrument was reliable. The collected data was analyzed by using inferential statistics (T-Test) through SPSS Software. Data was analyzed to assess the difference in the use of pedagogical skills and techniques by the teachers of different universities. Comparisons inter university and among the different departments of the same university were done. Both significant as well as non-significant results were found among the different departments of universities.Downloads
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How to Cite
Assessing the Pedagogical Competences of Teacher Educators in the Teacher Education Institution of Pakistan. (2013). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(1), 403.