The Demographic Situation in Fieri Region


  • Adela Dhromaj


The population in the Fier region during the transition period went through a lot of changes. Such changes were accompanied by economic, social and political processes which were inevitably marked by the intra-regional specifications of the region. According the statistics, the population in this region after the year of 1990 experienced a decrease of about 1.3 % compared with the previous period. This situation is due to two reasons: the decrease in natural growth (reduced by over 3 times), and the impact of internal migration from the county mainly to the capital city of Albania but also as a result of emigration abroad. The greatest impact is a result of the reduction which is linked with a decrease in the birth rate coefficient from 24.3 ‰ (1989) to 10.1 % in 2001 to 14.5 % at present. Changes identified in the density of the county population. The average population density has fallen to163 h/km² in (2011) from 202 h/km²(1989). Population in the county is on average older than it was 22 years ago. The old population (+ 65 years), has increased to 12.1% from 7.1% which was in 2001, and the reduction of the new age (1-15 years old), is greater than the increase of population over 65 years old. During its evolution, the population in this county presents differences along spatial distribution\ according settlements city - village, district and municipalities. The phenomenon as analyzed according to the division between the two kinds of settlements urban-rural show that the increase in urban population is more than its natural growth and the opposite is true for the village population mainly due to the urbanization phenomenon.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2016.v5n3s1p151


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How to Cite

The Demographic Situation in Fieri Region. (2017). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(3 S1), 151.