The Etnopoetic Constants the Heroic Epic of the Mongolian Peoples: The Issue of Identifying and Cataloguing


  • Evdokia Erendjenovna Khabunova


Lead: The urgent character of this investigation is the fact that it offers new approaches to the revealing and systematization of the ethnopoetical constants of the epic of Mongol nations which appear in an epic text of different levels. The work is based upon the theory of "ethnopoetical constants" by V. M. Gatsak. This theory allows to consider epic elements of different value in one analytical field as well as a wide range of "words in their stable expressions and connections" which have both the formulaicity and "mobility of the outlines". Revealing and systematization of the poetical and stylistic means that have differences in constancy in the epic of the Mongol nations both in general Mongol and local traditions, in national versions (Buryat, Kalmyck, Mongol, Xinjiang-Oirat), gives the opportunity to recreate the nature of the modelling of the inner connections and deep links of the separate narrative constructions of the heroic epic text, to define the basis of the existing stereotypes of the nomads' poetic thinking, to trace the character of formation of poetic images, symbols, concepts and categories.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n4s2p475


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How to Cite

The Etnopoetic Constants the Heroic Epic of the Mongolian Peoples: The Issue of Identifying and Cataloguing. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4), 475.