Peculiarities of the Design of Vocational Training Content of the Environmental Engineer in the Sixth Technological Paradigm


  • Artemiy Kozachek


The article considers the problem of unavailability of the modern system of design for vocational training content of the environmental engineer to the requirements of the upcoming in the near future sixth technological paradigm. The literature review showed the lack of scientific and methodological proposals to solve this problem, the objective reason of which was the cause of the inertia of the system of engineering and environmental education which is focused on the fifth and fourth technological paradigms. The author of the article seeks to identify common features of designing for vocational training content of the environmental engineer in the new technological paradigm. An innovative approach is suggested in the framework of which the decomposition of the definition of the sixth technological paradigm into components, then the analysis of each of these components with the aim to identify potential environmental problems of the future and predict the expected ecological engineering methods for solving of such problems is done. The results of such decomposition and analysis are synthesized to highlight relevant features of designing for vocational training content of the environmental engineer in the future. This approach has been tested by the author on the example of one of the key technologies of the sixth technological paradigm - nanotechnology, resulted in identifying a new type of contaminants in the sphere of nanotechnology use, namely nanoparticles; their possible negative impact on human health is also considered. At the same time the author made an attempt to predict the emergence and nanotechnological solutions in the field of environmental protection, which at the level of the microcosm will allow developing robotic systems of fighting with nanopollution. The obtained results allowed to identify common features that must be taken into account in the vocational training of the environmental engineer for the period up to the middle of the XXI century as well as to propose appropriate practical recommendations.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n6s5p205


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How to Cite

Peculiarities of the Design of Vocational Training Content of the Environmental Engineer in the Sixth Technological Paradigm. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(6 S5), 205.