Realization of Didactic Potential of National Pedagogic in Pedagogical Process of School: Essence and Principles


  • Negmatzhan Almetov
  • Kulimkhan Arymbayeva
  • Lazzat Buletova
  • Tursunkan Kashaganova
  • Gulnur Narymbet


Pedagogical process at comprehensive schools with national training language can be an effective factor of pupils’ ethno cultural education under a condition when the didactic potential of national pedagogic ideas and experience is purposefully and systemically realized. Authors mean national training ideas and didactic experience which is empirically saved up by people at large reflected in national pedagogy sources, in folklore works, in folk customs and traditions, national thinkers’ views economic and cultural traditions, folk art and traditional religion by the didactic potential of national pedagogic. Realization of national pedagogic didactic potential promotes four main functions – broadcasting, developing, differentiating, integrating, in modern school practice proceeds in unity of educational and extracurricular activities. The essence of this realization consists in use of national pedagogic ideas and experience through the ethno cultural focused content of education, in formation of pupils’ traditional national knowledge and action ways, world outlook, moral and esthetic ideas.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2016.v7n1p419


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How to Cite

Realization of Didactic Potential of National Pedagogic in Pedagogical Process of School: Essence and Principles. (2016). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7(1), 419.