Challenges Faced by Girls Trafficked, during the Reintegration Process in Albania


  • Alisa Biçoku


The political changes after the regime during the years 90-91 in Albania had opened a new market of human trafficiking such was the phenomenon of exploitation of girls for the sex industry. Those people who wanted to enrich themselves through illegal forms (although Albanian state at that time had an anti-trafficking legal framework) by trafficked, recruited, exploited girls and women. The phenomenon of exploitation of girls in Albania is still a serious social problem . Albania is still considered as the origin country for trafficking in women for sexual exploitation. The purpose of this study is to analyze difficulties that have to face the trafficked girls during their reintegration in the society. The specific objectives of this study are : Exploration of the opportunities, resources, systems and support structures that can help for a successful reintegration of trafficked women in Albania. The methodology used to conduct the study is qualitative ,as an effective method in providing specific information and in -depth understanding of the subjects exploration. The instruments that were used are semi -structured interviews with the target group as well as existing information, which refers to data that are conducted previously by the respective institutions that have to treat such problems of trafficked women and girls .

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2014.v3n3p106


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How to Cite

Challenges Faced by Girls Trafficked, during the Reintegration Process in Albania. (2014). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(3), 106.