Social Status and Public Spaces


  • Gazmend Abrashi


Achievements and perfection of digital communications have brought us new challenges regrding to how we can and should use this communication, until to which limits it has to be used. From this starting point can reach up to the issue of public space, up to her what we mean by public space, public space intellectual understanding, which is a product of the human minds. However, for many media scholars and theorists of social sciences, the theory of Jurgen Habermas's public sphere may seem that early aging. In his famous study, Structural Transformation (1989/1962), Habermas builds his model on the development of bourgeois society of 17th century dh 18th in Europe. Based on this context, it suggests the formation of a space, which was conducted primarily between the economy and the states, where people can be infored and be able to discuss, in order to come up with decisions and act on those decisions.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2015.v4n3s1p426


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How to Cite

Social Status and Public Spaces. (2015). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(3 S1), 426.