Education for Peace: Influence of Teacher’s Communication Style in the Relationships Primary School Pupil Create with Each Other


  • Ana García Díaz


Establishing a comparison between self-regulation skills that pupils develop in Primary Democratic, Active Learning and a Traditional school, a big difference in the communication styles were displayed by the teachers. Going along with this, very different social interactions were observed between the pupils. It has been stablished a relationship between the communication styles teachers have chosen and the effect it has in children’s behaviour and the relationships they create between each other. However, teachers are not completely free to choose the way they want to communicate, it is also decided by the type of school they are working in. Each schooling type have their own principles, teaching method and philosophy. They even have a different understanding about the meaning of education. This is also decided by the current educational policy in each country. This is why two different laws of education (Spanish and Scottish) have been analysed. This study is a qualitative and no experimental or Ex Post Facto research, in which the variables are going to be studied in their natural context undertaking no control over them. A reflexion is also been made on why alternative education is not legal in Spain comparing Spanish educational system with the Scottish one.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2016.v5n3s1p36


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How to Cite

Education for Peace: Influence of Teacher’s Communication Style in the Relationships Primary School Pupil Create with Each Other. (2017). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(3 S1), 36.