Using Language Experience Approach (LEA) and Talk Massage Symbol Visible (TMSV) Method in Learning of Speech Skill of Indonesia Students
The study was described using language experience approach (LEA) and talk massage symbol visible (TMSV) method in learning speech skill. The results of this study used a descriptive quantitative approach. The research was set at Elementary School, Gowa Regency of Indonesia. The data of this study was speech skills include linguistic and non-linguistic factors. The technique used in data collection is, 1) observation, 2) pre-test. Data analysis includes stages: 1) data collection, 2) data reduction, 3) data presentation, and 4) verification and conclusion. The conclusion of the results of the data analyst was as follows: a) Data obtained from the observation of students categorized above the average value of 75 as many as 20 students or 87%, while those who obtain scores below the average of 75 are 3 students or 13%. The results of these data indicated that the ability of students in speaking skill of learning very satisfying, b) Data obtained from inferential statistical test results obtained t count =22.94 and t table =2.074 obtained data t count > t table or 22.94 >2.074. It concluded that Ho rejected and H 1 accepted. It means that the application of the TMSV method affect in learning of speech skill at Elementary School of Indonesia.Downloads
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Using Language Experience Approach (LEA) and Talk Massage Symbol Visible (TMSV) Method in Learning of Speech Skill of Indonesia Students. (2019). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 9(4), 58.