Examining Relationship and Differences between Student Teachers' First Supervision and Second Supervision Scores
This study examined the relationship and differences between students’ teaching practice scores in the first and second supervisions. The aim of the study was to find out whether students’ performances in the first supervision could predict performance in the second supervision. To direct the study, two research questions and two null hypotheses were used. An ex-post facto design was employed in the study. The population for the study consisted of 95 300 students from the department of Guidance and Counselling, Delta State University, Abraka for 2016/17 session. A sample of 82 students was drawn from 300 level through purposive sampling technique. The two sets of teaching practice scores for 2016/17 session were used in the study. The research questions were answered through the use of co-efficient of determination and mean while the null hypotheses were tested at .05 level of significance using Pearson’s r and independent samples t-test. The data analysis revealed that the two sets of teaching practice scores were positively related; however there was no significant relationship between the scores from the first and second supervisions. It was also found that the two sets of scores did not differ significantly. The weak relationship or difference between the two sets scores from the two supervisions were attributed to students not heeding the supervisors’ instructions in the first supervision. Further studies on relationship and differences between students’ teaching practice scores should be done with larger samples from other departments and other institutions in the country.
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