Cyber Crimes: A Systematic Review of Evolution, Trends, and Research Approaches
cybercrime, cybersecurity, bibliometric analysis, machine learning, COVID-19Abstract
This article presents a systematic review of the evolution, trends, and research approaches of cybercrime. Cybercrime has become a significant threat in the digital age, affecting individuals, organizations, and societies worldwide. As technology advances and becomes more accessible, criminals have leveraged these tools to conduct illegal activities in cyberspace. The COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated this situation, as increased reliance on digital technologies has created new opportunities for cybercriminals. The studies analyzed in this review cover a wide range of topics, from the evolution of attack types and techniques used by cybercriminals to the strategies implemented by organizations and governments to prevent and respond to these threats. Bibliometric analysis by keywords revealed three main research clusters: cybercrime and victimization, machine learning and data mining, and psychological aspects and human behavior. This indicates that research on cybercrime encompasses both technical and sociopsychological aspects, reflecting the multidimensional nature of this phenomenon. Despite advances in research, knowledge gaps and challenges persist, such as the need to develop more advanced methodologies for detecting and attributing attacks, as well as considering the psychological and social aspects that influence the behavior of cybercriminals and victims. This systematic review highlights the complexity and multidimensional nature of cybercrime in the current digital environment. Continuous research and collaboration efforts are required to keep pace with the constantly evolving cyber risks.
Received: 9 June 2024 / Accepted: 27 August 2024 / Published: 05 September 2024

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