Science Teachers Self Perception about Metacognition


  • Mohammed Yousef Mai


Metacognition is a significant part of human abilities. Metacognitive knowledge can be described as what we know about our own cognitive processes (Young & Fry, 2008). This research aims at measuring perception of science teachers about metacognitive awareness. The sample consists of 52 science teachers from six schools in Perak, Malaysia. Metacognitive awareness was measured using Metacognitive Awareness Inventory for Teachers (MAIT) developed by Cem Balcikanli (2011) that consists of 24 items, it has a good validly and reliability indicators. The results reveal that the science teachers have a high level of perception about metacognition. No significant differences found related to teachers gender or age. Although there are no significant differences found related to the teachers' gender, but there is a significant difference found related to the teachers' age and there is an interaction between teachers' age and educational level concerning their c.

DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2015.v5n1s1p77


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How to Cite

Science Teachers Self Perception about Metacognition. (2015). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 5(1 S1), 77.