Use of Categorical Regression Model for Optimization of Interventions in the Information Labor Market System for the Youth


  • Enida Kume


The behavior of youth to the labor market information is the product of the action and interaction of various factors, psychological, social and economic. In Albania it is estimated that only about 49.6% of young people express interest and consider this information useful. Young people are selective to channel information. The reliability valuation for the information that published by public institutions, labor offices, electronic and print media or non-public institutions, is relatively low. Young people evaluate the credibility of the information they receive from friends (96.7%) and / or from family (79.8%). Results of the categorical regression model used to explain the behavior of young people to the labor market information, showed that have a statistically significant affect of employment status (P <0.01), education level (P<0.01) and age (P <0:05) on the formation of this behavior. The gender and family economic level do not have a statistically significant effect (P> 0:05). Referring to the values of psycho-social and economic factors, categorical regression model, modeling the behavior of young people to the labor market information, through the generation of four groups, corresponding to the four levels of youth perception of this need.

DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2016.v6n1p109


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How to Cite

Use of Categorical Regression Model for Optimization of Interventions in the Information Labor Market System for the Youth. (2016). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 6(1), 109.