E-Health in Biomedical for Sustainable Development-Its Role and Challenges in Bayelsa State, Nigeria
This report is taken a broader look at electronic health (E- health) in biomedical, its importance and challenges of
adopting this system in biomedical profession in Bayelsa State. Great strides are being made to improve healthcare services
through the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology).One of the most promising ICT development project is the
e- health which involves the store and forward system; the tele-medicine system video conferenceing and the real time telemedicine
system (Rodrigue 2011). ICT has transformed the ways modern healthcare system acquire, store, access and
communicate medical information. These developments offer significant benefits to patients and healthcare providers, though it
gives rise to ethical and legal challenges in the protection of patient privacy and confidentiality (Chin 2003) ICT tools can lead to
higher quality of healthcare delivery, increased patient safety and better risk management in health services and health care in
Bayelsa State. The traditional and humanistic concept of doctor-patient relationship is under threat as this system is used to by
pass the need for personal consultations, for patients may not have the opportunity to explain to the doctors or the healthcare
providers (Rodrigue 2011). An effective approach in the use of (electronic health) ICT for advancement in biomedical world is the
proper training of medical specialists to set up and manage the system, also setting public standards for accessibility and
expression of patient autonomy. This ensures its effectiveness and safety for sustainable development.
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