Multiculturalism Dimension in the Adult Education


  • Dilina Beshiri
  • Edi Puka


The human life coincides with a pedagogical itinerary that, if denied, leads to the denial of life itself; in fact, it is not possible for the educative necessities to appear to us as exhaustible, but only as adults, and not always, we are able to realize that the changing exigencies constantly accompany us and correspond to pulsations involving the mind, the body and the interpersonal relations. Humans are all educating persons and they are actually possible to be educated as long as they don’t live isolated or remain abandoned in themselves in the hard efforts to accomplish a continuum of their education, but live instead in a world made of cultures and persons varying from each other. And it is exactly the presence of these diversities and the confrontation among them that provoke strong changing and as a consequence, the exigency of continuous enrichment and growth in the single individuals. The aim of this paper is to analyzed the prospective of adult educating in the multucilturalism society, to suggest the implementation of a pedagogical project for the adults education through formal and informal institutions.

DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2015.v5n1p371


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How to Cite

Multiculturalism Dimension in the Adult Education. (2015). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 5(1), 371.