Assessing the Effects of Teachers Qualification on Students Academic Performance in Private Secondary Schools in the South Eastern Nigeria
Teacher qualification, Student academic performance, Secondary education, Private schools, South Eastern Nigeria, Educational standards, Correlation analysis, Student achievementAbstract
Ensuring high-quality teaching is vital for positive student learning experiences and achievement outcomes. This study investigated the effects of teachers’ qualification on students’ academic performance in private secondary schools in Southeastern Nigeria. Through a thoughtfully designed survey, over 515 respondents from 187 schools shared insights into their daily educational realities. Their responses revealed generally qualified teaching staff dedicated to covering subjects comprehensively. However, some specialized areas needed more depth, potentially hindering modern curriculum demands. The analysis uncovered largely positive yet complex qualification dynamics. Higher teacher numbers correlated with broader competencies, benefiting coverage. Formal training is strongly associated with examination success, highlighting qualifications' value. Yet continuous skills growth matters as needs evolve. These honest respondents' voices prompt thoughtful reflection. While standards currently meet minimums, achieving excellence requires collaborative progress. Targeted support could strengthen specialized expertise within small classes. Incentivizing expansion motivates continuous learning curves. Partnering with educators and communities cultivates locally tailored growth. Monitoring disparities prompts equitable support. This humble work invites an understanding how qualifications interconnect with private secondary school students' performance, championing each Student's potential. Through open minds and caring hands, we may clear pathways for all hearts and minds to blossom.
Received: 27 August 2023 / Accepted: xx October 2023 / Published: 5 November 2023

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