Video Broadcast Courses at the Islamic Azad University Karaj Branch (Case Study)


  • Nayereh Shahmohammadi Ministry of Education , Tehran-Iran


Distance educators are increasingly adopting both synchronous and asynchronous ICT-based modes of
communication to enhance distance learning environment. With the use of ICT-based modes, distance
learners are now able to participate in class in real time; interact with their lecturer and peers; and access
course and external information/resources at their own convenient time, place and pace.This paper seeks
to assess the extent to which video broadcast enhances learning environment for distance learners at the
Islamic Azad University Karaj Branch. Apart from print, video broadcast is also used as a delivery mode and
modes such as audio and video conferencing, and WebCT(tools) are used to supplement distance learning.
This paper employs a multi-perspective evaluation design with survey questionnaires as the main and
interviews as the supplementary technique of data collection. Results suggest that video broadcast mode at
Islamic Azad University Karaj Branch enriches the distance learning environment. ICT-based attributes
such as tele-presence, interaction and flexibility emerge as being enhanced by video broadcast mode.


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How to Cite

Video Broadcast Courses at the Islamic Azad University Karaj Branch (Case Study). (2012). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 3(15), 88.