Leadership and Followership: Essential Factors for National Development and Achievement of Organizational Goals


  • Blessing E. N Thom-Otuya Ignatius, Ajuru University of Education, Port- Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria


Leadership and followership are very essential factors for national development and achievement of
organizational goal. Leadership and followership is a major universal challenge to all nation States; while
some countries have overcome the primitive or dictatorial stage to propel their economy and social welfare
of her people to a comfortable level; other emerging developing economy are still reeling to grow above
the challenges of impotent leadership and followership syndrome. This paper discussed Leadership from the
macro level. It looked into the concept of leadership, Types, qualities, functions and problems of leadership
from the Nigeria perspective and the relationship between Leadership and followership. The paper is aimed
at enlightening political leaders and their followers of their responsibilities, and promoting good
governance in Nigeria. This paper recommend that, leadership and followership relationship should always
be harmonized as to enable the society or group to achieve her vision and set goal. Leadership and
followership should adopt a new paradigm shift were values, and leadership traits, integrity and other
discussed qualities herein will serve as the basis for consideration or conceding Leadership. Consensus
selection of leaders should be avoided; Leaders should be elected through democratic and transparent
process. Tribal sentiments should be set aside in electing and criticizing our leaders. Our target and criteria
for assessment should be our vision and goal as a people.


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How to Cite

Leadership and Followership: Essential Factors for National Development and Achievement of Organizational Goals. (2012). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 3(15), 115. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/view/11527