The Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Centre at the University of Limpopo: Generating New Research Possibilities within Southern African-Nordic Centre
Multiple stresses such as poor service delivery; poverty; inadequate supply of infrastructure in water and energy; complex disease burden and food crises are rampant and prevalent in the rural poor areas making them to be vulnerable. The impact of climate change and variability is aggravating the already dicey situation. The Department of Science and Technology in South Africa, cognisant of this scientific prediction, responded by funding the establishment of Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Centres at rural universities in South Africa. The core mandate of the centres is to supply quality research data on rural areas on a number of critical indicators identified in the South African Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Atlas. In addition, these centres are expected to provide excellent tertiary education in spatial analysis and modelling applied to the environment, economic, social and health sectors. Data and information from the Atlas will be used by local authorities for improved planning, decision-making and appropriate intervention strategies at the target sites. This paper presents an overview of the centre at the University of Limpopo and explores some of the research areas in which the University of Limpopo can collaborate with other members in the Southern African-Nordic Centre PartnershipDownloads
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How to Cite
The Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Centre at the University of Limpopo: Generating New Research Possibilities within Southern African-Nordic Centre. (2014). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(3), 684.