The Importance of Philosophy in Educational Administration/Management: The Democratic Model


  • Samuel Asuquo Ekanem
  • Ekeng Nyong Ekefre


A nation’s policy on education is the government’s way of attaining that aspect of the national goals which can be achieved through the instrumentality of education. No policy on education, however, can be formulated without the primary identification of the overall philosophy and goals of the nation. The general philosophy of Nigeria is to live in unity and harmony as one indivisible, indissoluble, democratic and sovereign nation founded on the principle of freedom, equality and justice, while promoting inter-African solidarity and world peace through understanding. This aim or goal can be realized through education, but this must be based on a firm philosophic foundation. This paper therefore explores the importance of philosophy for the study and practice of educational administration/management in a democratic society. It advocates that education is a normative enterprise that is, driven by basic social values anchored on certain imperatives of social justice. It is therefore these values and imperatives that principally shape every aspect and dimension of educational theory, policy and practice. Viewed from this standpoint, education needs a normative reference to model and drive the democratic processes of everyday life that can provide liberty and self-actualization. For this to be achieved there is need for careful reflection upon national discourses and activities that involve and concern social values. These imperatives must be modeled into educational purposes and practices. It is argued strongly that philosophy constitutes a potent mode of inquiry and epistemic activity that enriches the capacity for reflection and rational thinking which is vital for democratic development.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n9p501


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How to Cite

The Importance of Philosophy in Educational Administration/Management: The Democratic Model. (2014). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(9), 501.