Conditional Content Speech and Psychical Aspects of Depicting the Reality


  • A.K. Altayeva


Goals of the research is to specify activity, possibility of using and application in linguistic system of sentences formed with the help of the given linguistic mean, by means of special conditional mood suffix examination. For achieving the given goals the following task have been presented to us: Substantiating continuity of language and thought by means of correlation of grammatical and logic-universal categories. Grammatical corrolation and logic categories brings to language and thought intercommunication. Applied variants connected with limitation (restriction) of human thoughts, are the motivation display, which connected to functional and pragmatic nature of language norm.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n20p2698


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How to Cite

Conditional Content Speech and Psychical Aspects of Depicting the Reality. (2014). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(20), 2698.