Studying Principle Legally and in Figh (Of His Sheep Actual Pays) Emphasis on Arising Issues


  • Ali Asghar Moradzade
  • Mustafa Rajaipour


The rule of “Of his sheep” means that one who benefits financially is responsible for its damage. For example, in a sale (transaction- purchase and sell) when the customer becomes owner, he is owner of its interests and benefits and thereby he will be owner of its waste in the case of financial damages. The rule is not only applied in transactions but also it is extended to all fields of jurisprudence. This paper offers a new approach of rule so that study it legally and theologically and address issues arising from legal issues.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n2s1p656


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How to Cite

Studying Principle Legally and in Figh (Of His Sheep Actual Pays) Emphasis on Arising Issues. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(2 S1), 656.