Introducing Students to the Genre of Presentations for Professional Purposes


  • Slađana Živković


The present paper discusses the genre of spoken presentations and provides information about how to improve communication skills and design a successful spoken presentation in order to function effectively in professional settings which is important in today’s globalized and highly competitive world. It proposes ideas concerning the efficiency of presentations, and discusses the ways of arranging presentations in the EFL classroom. In the age of globalization and information technology, communication and presentation skills have become an important aspect of the workplace. So, graduates need to be proficient in spoken communication in order to function effectively in professional settings. Mastering the skills and genre of professional spoken presentations in today’s highly competitive world is more important than ever. Teaching principles of spoken presentations at schools and faculties is an especially relevant curriculum segment and is done with the ultimate purpose of better communicating professional knowledge. By making students aware of basic points, types, characteristics and styles of professional spoken communication, the paper is to serve as a starting point in an attempt to make them expand and perfect their communication skills.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n2s2p201


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How to Cite

Introducing Students to the Genre of Presentations for Professional Purposes. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(2 S2), 201.