Management of Financial Support for Electric Power Infrastructure under Conditions of Economic Crisis


  • Nikolay Kuznetsov


One of the leading branches of the Russian industry is one of the largest electric power industries of the world. To a large extent, the state of the country’s electric power sector defines the competitiveness and internal potential of the growth of the whole Russian economy, its largest part consisting of energy-consuming branches. The aim of this article is to develop recommendations on managing financial support for infrastructure projects under the conditions of crisis phenomena and taking into account tendencies of development in the Russian electric power industry. The results of the study undertaken herein allow to make the conclusion that the electric power industry continues functioning under difficult economic conditions. Restricted opportunities for attracting financing in combination with the proficit of electric energy and the highest level of power supply network amortization bring grand-scale challenges for all members of the industry. Urgent tasks of managing enterprises working in the electric energy sector include searches for additional financial sources for modernizing and renewing the industry infrastructure facilities.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5s2p372


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How to Cite

Management of Financial Support for Electric Power Infrastructure under Conditions of Economic Crisis. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(5), 372.