The Effectiveness of Anger Instruction in Behavioral- Cognitive Approach on Improvement of Marital Life Quality


  • Masoumeh Otaghi
  • Sattar Kikhavani
  • Reza Valizadeh


Anger is a natural excitement that we experience it in our life, but when it occurs many times and the approach of expressing it is not appropriate, it would leads to a destroying sense and makes unpleasant consequences for person and others. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of anger instruction in behavioral- cognitive approach on improvement of marital life quality. The sample of this semi-experimental research was 30 couples among those couples who referred to Ilam province consultation center in 2015. They were put in two groups of test group (15 couples) and control group (15 couples) randomly. Anger control instruction in behavioral- cognitive approach was set in 8 sessions, 90 minutes and given to test group. The research hypothesis was that anger control instruction in behavioral- cognitive is effective on marital life quality. In order to data analysis one way co-valiance was used. Anger control instruction in behavioral- cognitive approach reduce the marital aggression (P=0.001). This study approves the role and effect of anger control instruction in behavioral cognitive approach on improvement of marital life quality.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2016.v7n4S2p26


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How to Cite

The Effectiveness of Anger Instruction in Behavioral- Cognitive Approach on Improvement of Marital Life Quality. (2016). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7(4 S2), 26.