Free Movement of Persons and the Impelementation of EU Viza Liberalization Agreement with Albania


  • Ledia Hysi University of Tirana, Albania.


The main focus of the analysis will be the migration policies within the EU, the free movement principles and restrictions that
may be imposed to individuals by presenting an overview of the readmission policies in contemporary Europe and the effect that they
bring to the field of migration, the international obligations of states and international acts to which they rely. a special attention in this
paper is paid to the analysis of the Albanian legal framework and its attitudes toward the phenomenon of migration and free movement
of persons. States have the right and the duty to control migration. But in doing so they must keep reminding their citizens on why at
least some immigrants are needed and should be welcomed, and, true to Europe’s humane values, they must respect the fundamental
rights that belong to every human being, independently of their nationality, religious believe and socio-economic and cultural
background. A specific focus in the paper will also be paid to the implementation of EU visa liberalization agreement with Albania, the
issue of asylum seekers, as well as addressing the problems that serve as their motivation, aiming at the conclusion that being a
European citizen means being a member of a community based on full enjoyment of individual rights, as well as tolerance, mutual
respect and acceptance of diversity. It also means accepting certain obligations in respect of others, complying with the rules of
democracy and contributing to the development of a fair and cohesive society.


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How to Cite

Free Movement of Persons and the Impelementation of EU Viza Liberalization Agreement with Albania. (2012). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 3(8), 179.