Accounting Web Reporting in Albania


  • Sonila Gruda


Current scientific adjustments have had an outstanding encounter on the accounting and commercial environment. As supplementary states Albania has additionally been altered by events such as the progress towards employing accounting data packages, commercial web describing. Across this paper we endeavor to examine the present situation of accounting and commercial describing in Albania and the encounter that the web describing has had on the simplification of the accounting procedures. The research presents how instruments have impacted the use of the accounting arrangements and additionally supplementary describing institutions in Albania. Portraying the present progress of accounting services we give data on the portion of multimedia vendors in Albania. We find that cloud computing has been utilized extensively not merely by the confidential firms presenting accounting information’s arrangements, but additionally by supplementary firms in the area sector. An accounting information system is a system of collection, storage and processing of financial and accounting data that is used by decision makers. An accounting data arrangement is usually a computer-based method for pursuing accounting attention in conjunction alongside data knowledge resources. The emerging statistical reports can be utilized inside by association or externally by supplementary interested parties encompassing financiers, creditors and tax authorities. The actual physical mechanisms permit the AIS to work and present its functions. The research includes information for the usage of the internal controls and protection measures by the safeguard of the data in Albania.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n13p374


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How to Cite

Accounting Web Reporting in Albania. (2014). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(13), 374.