The Main Participants of Innovation Climate Development (On the Example of the Russian Federation)


  • A.M. Safiullina
  • J.L. Odintsova
  • N.N. Zhilina
  • M.R. Shamsutdinova


The article describes the main participants of innovation activity and innovation infrastructure, which includes such important categories as subject and object of innovation activity and the most important elements of innovation infrastructure. We attempted to display illustratively the basic economic relations that can be between the subjects of innovation activity, at the same time as the main participants are considered government, business and households. As binders subjects are allocated venture funds, technology parks, and business incubators. The state of innovation climate in the Russian regions can not be considered as favorable, because the order of interaction between government, universities (science), and business prevents it.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n18p197


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How to Cite

The Main Participants of Innovation Climate Development (On the Example of the Russian Federation). (2014). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(18), 197.