The Morphemes -lar/-ler and -lik/-l?k/-luk/-lük of Turkish Language Into Albanian and Romanian Languages


  • Spartak Kadiu


Turkish language has greatly influenced the Balkan’s languages. Regardless of the fact that these languages are different from each-other, again in almost of them Turkish language has influenced with elements of its structure and lexicon. Turkish with elements of its structure has influenced as well on Albanian language and Romanian to. In this paper we will take a general view on grammatical elements of plural of Turkish language such as the morphemes -lar/-ler and the use of these morphemes in the word-formation of Albanian and Rumanian languages. Besides knowing suffixes like -xhi/-çi /-llëk/-çe/-li/-lli ecc. used with Turkish borrowed themes, we will focus on the using of these suffixes in Albanian and Romanian languages. Furthermore we will explain some derivated words in Albanian and Romanian languages and the using of these morphemes today.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n19p641


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How to Cite

The Morphemes -lar/-ler and -lik/-l?k/-luk/-lük of Turkish Language Into Albanian and Romanian Languages. (2014). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(19), 641.