Peculiar Features of the Tatar People Migration on the Territory of Tatarstan


  • N. Biktimirov
  • N. Gabdrakhmanov
  • V. Rubtsov
  • M. Mustaphin
  • N. Arzhantseva


A specific feature of the Tatarstan Republic is the fact that the people living there are characterized by polyethnicity and multireligiousness. The development of the locals is predetermined by close ethnic and cultural interconnections and interpenetration of traditions the people of various nations living on this territory observe. Traditionally the leading role in this process was and is still played by Tatars and Russians, Muslims and Christians constituting the majority of the population there. In the recent decades the intensified migration processes in Tatarstan resulted in formation of numerous groups of people coming from former Soviet Republics (the Azerbaijani, the Armenians, the Uzbeks, the Tadjiks, the Kazakhs, the Georgians, the Moldavians, the Turkmens) as well as national groups from the regions of the Russian Federation and distant foreign countries (the Turks, the Vietnamese, the Arabs, etc.) which are a little smaller in population (several hundred people). The role of the ethnic factor in the demographic potential hasn't been properly investigated mostly because of the lack of the published demographic statistics concerning the ethnic aspect and also because of the difficulty to reveal the interrelations of this factor with other ones. The aim of the research has been identified as to reveal the territorial and historical peculiarities of the Tatar population settling on the territory of modern Republic of Tatarstan, to reveal its tendencies, to estimate the significance of the ethnic factor in formation and development of the demographic potential. This research has revealed the rapprochement of the demographic behaviour of the people of different nationalities (especially Russians and Tatars) as one of the most important tendencies of the demographic development of the population. The reason for this has been the rapprochement of the results of the demographic behaviour of the people of different nationalities (especially Russians and Tatars) as the result of the loss of national values and traditions, religious background assumptions, customs, ceremonials, etc.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n24p267


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How to Cite

Peculiar Features of the Tatar People Migration on the Territory of Tatarstan. (2014). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(24), 267.