The Effect of Television Advertisement of Mobile Telecommunication Companies in Nigeria on Viewers’ Choice Preference


  • S.P. Rishante


Advertiser’s primary mission is to reachprospective customers and influence theirawareness, attitudes and buying behaviour. Theyspend a lot of money to keep individuals interested in their products. To succeed, theyneed to understand what makes potential customersbehave the way they do. The study examined the effect of television advertisement of mobile telecommunication companies in Nigeria on viewers’ choice preference. One hundred and twenty-seven (127) participants were randomly selected from a University community. There were 67 males and 60 females in the study. The mean age of participants was 28.31 (SD = 5.04). The study adopted the Single factorial design. Two hypotheses were tested in the study and results of hypothesis one revealed that there was no significant effect of television advertisement of mobile telecommunication network on viewers preference, F (1, 125) = 0.625, p = .431 (p > .05); while the result of hypothesis two showed that that there was a significant effect of age on viewers’ preference of televised advertisement of mobile telecommunication networks, F (1, 125) = 5.608, p = 0.019 (p<.05). The study therefore suggested that advertising messages should both be persuasive and reminder-oriented; the messages must be strong and appealing enough to persuade and build brand preferences, encourage switching to the company’s brand by changing the perception of the consumers of rival brands of the product

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n26p148


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How to Cite

The Effect of Television Advertisement of Mobile Telecommunication Companies in Nigeria on Viewers’ Choice Preference. (2014). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(26), 148.