Work Optimization of the Production Staff when Implementing Technical Innovations


  • F.B. Mikhailov
  • E.V. Fakhrutdinova
  • R.Kh. Yagudin
  • M.A. Mefodeva


Technological innovations significantly affect the main characteristics of the labor process of the production staff. Thus, the production efficiency can be related to the increase of the labor intensity, which is associated with negative consequences both social and economic. Therefore, there is a complex optimization problem of labor activity based on labor efficiency, intensity, uniformity. The solution of this problem cause the task of selecting a method of estimating of the labor intensity and economic and mathematical modeling of the organization of labor processes according to the criteria of economic and social efficiency.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n1s3p86


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How to Cite

Work Optimization of the Production Staff when Implementing Technical Innovations. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(1 S3), 86.