Numerical Methods of the Decision Differential the Equations for Continuous Models Of Economy


  • V.L. Vorontsova
  • T.Uy. Gorskaya


The review of some models of economy based on application of the ordinary differential equations is provided in article linear and nonlinear, and also the review of approximate methods of their decision. Expediency of use of this or that numerical metods of the solution of the differential equations is shown. For some equations of continuous models of economy in work the approximate method is offered and reasonable. Estimates of convergence of approximate methods are given in the corresponding functional spaces. Results of the numerical solution of these equations in the form of tables and schedules are also received. The comparative analysis of the received results is carried out.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n1s3p198


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How to Cite

Numerical Methods of the Decision Differential the Equations for Continuous Models Of Economy. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(1 S3), 198.