Theoretical Base of Delegation of Some State Authority of Territorial Entities of the Russian Federation to Local Self-Government Bodies


  • Alexey Mikhailovich Osavelyuk
  • Svetlana Alekseevna Munkueva
  • Larisa Valerevna Tipaeva
  • Jean Budaevich Dorzhiev
  • Ayuna Batomunkuevna Namzhilon


The article focuses on the research of the institution of investment of local governments with separate state powers as one of the forms of interaction of between bodies of state power and local authorities. The presented relationships of authorities of different levels gain a special actuality in the light of a constitutional entrenchment of the principle of the autonomy of local government bodies. Thus, the institution of investment with separate state powers demands a further theory and legal improvement.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5s3p239


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How to Cite

Theoretical Base of Delegation of Some State Authority of Territorial Entities of the Russian Federation to Local Self-Government Bodies. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(5 S3), 239.