Transformational Leadership and Organizational Climate of Educational Institutions Along Thai-Cambodian Borders
The purpose of this research was to study the Transformational Leadership and Organizational Climate of educational institutions along Thai-Cambodian borders, preparing for the integration into the ASEAN economic community. The simple random sample chosen for the study were administrators and teachers with the sample size of 384 based on Krejcie Morgan table. Questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents and the statistical tools used in the study were Mean, T-Test and Pearson’s Simple Correlation. The variables gender, size of school and working status were considered for the study to find out the significant differences towards transformational leadership and organizational climate. And the relationship between two variables was measured i.e. transformational leadership and organizational climate. The result confirmed that there is a significant difference among the gender, size of school and working status towards transformational leadership and organizational climate. Moreover, it has shown the differences with female respondents, medium-sized school and administrators towards transformational leadership and organizational climate. The result of correlation revealed that there was a positive moderate relationship between transformational leadership and organizational climate at .639. However, the strong association between the individual dimensions was not found. Further, to probe, the educational institutions need to develop transformational leadership to create good organizational climate to compete in ASEAN economic community.Downloads
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Transformational Leadership and Organizational Climate of Educational Institutions Along Thai-Cambodian Borders. (2016). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7(3 S1), 470.