The Literary Achievements of the King Ashurbanipal (626 – 668 B.C)


  • Samera Melad Amar Farag
  • Wan Kamal Mujani


King Ashurbanipal, 668-626 BC was the last great King in the Assyrian Empire. His empire was extended to include Palestine, Phoenician kingdoms, Syria, Mesopotamia, Oaratu, Elam and Egypt. In his reign, the Assyrian empire had enjoyed the wealth, well-being and power. It was celebrated during his victories by establishing major buildings in the cities of Mesopotamia, especially the city of Nineveh. The remains of his palace were discovered in Tel Qongiq (Currently, it is called Mosul). This palace in its planning and its works represents the peak of the Assyrian genius in sculpture and architecture.The aim of the present study is to shed light on the great artistic heritage of a civilization which is one of the oldest and ancient human civilizations through the study and investigating its great artistic connotations. The study also aims to raise this issue to supply researchers and educators with some general information about the civilized critical period in the ancient history of Iraq with respect to the technical side when presenting Ashurbanipal’s Arts and sculptures of a high-quality workmanship. A researcher depends on his study on the historical, analytical and descriptive method. They are considered as the finest curriculum that describes and analyzes the historical and artistic phenomenon. The Ashurbanipal's arts were characterized by a wonderful artistic achievement and the uniqueness of the Assyrian sculptor' deeds which were not matched by the works of the other models in the field of visible incarnations, large winged bulls and high statues. As the war was a source of the Assyrian kings’ favorite pride, it attracted the sculptor’s attention through the orders of Ashurbanipal to photograph the war in different aspects and with more details. The small lively views add to the tragedy of war to give an especial human touch. The most important thing in the Ashurbanipal's arts that draws attention and admiration are the scenes of the wounded animals. The Assyrian artists presented realistically and objectively the deadly pain that the animals going through or suffering from as in the scenes of the famous hunt which show aesthetic property that the artist realized through his human feelings towards these creatures. What distinguishes these scenes is that they attract whoever sees them through their splendid beauty. These scenes make up the natural conclusion to the art of collage which represents the concept of ownership in Mesopotamia, which reached its apogee and its regeneration under the Ashurbanipal's auspices.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2016.v7n4p380


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How to Cite

The Literary Achievements of the King Ashurbanipal (626 – 668 B.C). (2016). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7(4), 380.